Welcome to the Nashville First SDA Church Studies.

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Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jul 20, 2024


In the parable of the shrewd steward, at first glance, it appears that Jesus is commending the steward's dishonest actions. However, the lesson is more nuanced. What can we learn from this parable that applies to us today?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jul 13, 2024


For many of us, our will is the hardest thing to control. That's the weak link in our strategy to change. Join us as we learn about a weapon that turns our weaknesses into power.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 22, 2024


As His arrest, conviction, and crucifixion drew near, Jesus was thankful. What can we be grateful for as we partake of communion?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 8, 2024


Jesus spoke a parable about a faithful and an evil servant. One was ready for his master to return and one was not. What made the difference? Can you sense the times we are living in? Are you ready for your master to return? Join us as we explore Luke 12 and discuss a few ways to be READY.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 11, 2024


Being a mom is an intense gig. It does not pay well, and there is little gratitude or recognition for the job. Because of this, they deserve to be honored. How can we honor our moms and mothers in general?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 4, 2024


One of the most misunderstood facets of being a Christian is about the role of sin in our lives and what it means for our eternal future. Many a Christians are broken, is there hope for restoration?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Apr 27, 2024


God wants to do mighty things through His church on earth, and while He could do these things without us, He is looking for people to partner up with Him. He is looking for "Ordinary Heroes." Join us as we explore and learn from the story of David's "Mighty Men."

59.8 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Mar 23, 2024


Have you ever thought that God has given up on you because of the many times that you have failed Him? Perhaps you have convinced yourself that God no longer loves you. Is it possible that His love is dependent on us? Join us as we share a beautiful story of grace.

15.6 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Mar 2, 2024


Seventh-day Adventists often refer to themselves as "The Remnant." But, how do they know? The Bible provides three characteristics to help us properly identify God's end-time remnant. Join us as we discover them in the Book of Revelation.

62.5 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Feb 24, 2024


Most Christians understand the concept of "Righteousness by Faith." However, according to the apostle Paul, this concept has two important dimensions. Join us as we explore the meaning of "The just shall live by faith."

43.7 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Feb 3, 2024


In the context of the time of the end it can be very frustrating not knowing who one is. Do you know who you are? Or, are you having an IDENTITY CRISIS?

52.8 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jan 20, 2024


There are times when everything in our lives seems to go from bad to worse. Times when we feel spiritually weak, and it may seem that God is far from us. We need a source of power; but where can we find it?

33.3 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jan 13, 2024


Religious persecution is a painful and sad reality for many Christians around the world. Why, then, is it that persecution seems, to a great degree, to slumber in America?

50.1 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 16, 2023


God's LOVE for the world was first manifested in the birth of Jesus in the manger. How will we manifest the love of God to those around us?

44.3 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 9, 2023


Are you someone who displays JOY? Are you someone who knows the JOYS that come at Christmas? What is the reason for that JOY?

33.5 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 2, 2023


On the first Christmas God promised: "Glory to God in the highest, and PEACE, goodwill toward men." Yet peace is the last thing we have in our world. Is peace even possible? Yes, and the Bible tells us why.

645 KB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Nov 25, 2023


Hope is at the center of the Christmas Story, but, what is our hope founded upon?

35.9 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Oct 21, 2023


Do our giving habits only affect us, or could they affect the entire congregation? Join us as we study a well-known story in the book of Joshua.

55.9 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Oct 7, 2023


What if God forgave us in the same way we forgive others? Is there a danger in not forgiving others?

54.0 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Sep 30, 2023


Many Christians struggle with forgiveness. Is being “forgiving” an attribute that we should have? What constitutes true forgiveness and how important is it?

63.1 MB


The final presentation of the Present Truth Series. Now that we have identified the two beasts of Revelation 13, What is the Image of the Beast, and how does this lead to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast? What is the Mark of the Beast?

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The continuation of the Present Truth Series, we will focus our study on the Third Angel's Message and unmask the "Mark of the Beast." Who is the 2nd beast?

41.7 MB


The continuation of the Present Truth Series, we will focus our study on the Third Angel's Message and unmask the "Mark of the Beast."

49.0 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 24, 2023


17.8 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 20, 2023


Have you ever wondered if Jesus was ever amazed? The Bible provides two stories that say Jesus was amazed and, this may surprise you, but you can cause Him to be amazed.

36.3 MB

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