
  • 2021 PBE Resources

    Pathfinder Bible Experience

    The Pathfinder Bible Experience is the Official North American Division Pathfinder Bible study program. Some affectionately call the program Bible Bowl. Each year, teams of six club members study a book of the Bible (alternating Old Testament and New Testament), memorizing large portions of God's word.

    There are four levels of competition - Area, Conference, Union, and Division. The Pathfinders are tested over the assigned study books as well as the SDA Bible Commentary Introduction to each study book.

    At each level, the teams scoring 90% or higher of the highest score at their testing site make 1st place and are invited to go on to the next level. The winning teams are extreme students of the Bible and in most cases memorize chapters and in some cases the entire book(s). Winning teams incorporate the Total Church Involvement approach. This means they have study coaches but also involve the church elders and other members of the local church to assist in making up sample tests, friendly competition against the elders to see who is the better student of the Bible, become involved in worships made up of talks from subject matter from the assigned study book(s). The students may also perform dramas depicting some of the Biblical stories from their assigned study book.

    The Pathfinder Bible Experience How-to Guide will assist you in organizing your local Pathfinder PBE Team.


    PBE: How-to Guide


    NEW! PBE website for the North American Division

    2021 PBE Study Books
    Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter

  • Amy Cordis

    2800 Blair Boulevard
  • Brent Cordis

    2800 Blair Blvd

    Pathfinder Pledge

    By the grace of God, 
    I will be pure, and kind, and true. 
    I will keep the Pathfinder Law. 
    I will be a servant of God 
    and a friend to man.

    Pathfinder Law

    The Pathfinder Law is for me to:
    Keep the morning watch
    Do my honest part
    Care for my body,
    Keep a level eye
    Be courteous and obedient
    Walk softly in the sanctuary,
    Keep a song in my heart,
    Go on God's errand. 



    Pathfinder Flag

    The Advent message to all the world 
    in this generation
    The love of Christ constrains us

    Pathfinder Song

    Oh, we are the Pathfinder Strong,
    The servants of God are we
    Faithful as we march along,
    In kindness, truth, and purity
    A Message to tell to the world
    A truth that will set us free!
    King Jesus the Savior's coming back
    For you, and me! 
  • Pathfinders

    Nashville First Church Falcons - Pathfinder club  NFSDA Falcons Logo
    power upGreetings from your Nashville First Seventh-Day Adventist Church (NFSDA) Falcons Pathfinder staff. It is with great pleasure that we accept the awesome responsibility of serving the youth of NFSDA. This year we strive to become the club that God would have us be and we appreciate your support in helping us accomplish this goal.
    We would like to invite the parents of our Pathfinders to have greater participation in our club this year. Please feel free to participate in any of our events. We plan to include you in many of our activities such as field trips, campouts, and fundraising activities. That's right, you will receive the opportunity to actually see for yourself, the joy that comes from being a part of the NFSDA Falcon Pathfinder Club. Just imagine, you will get a chance to witness for yourself, the beaming joy on the faces of these little lambs from heaven. So parents, be ready. The "joy" is coming your way soon
    We would like you to know that your cooperation with our program in the past has been greatly appreciated in the past and the staff looks forward to working closely with you in the future. Please keep us in your prayers.
    Your Family
    Pathfinder Shild
  • Registration

    Open Registration starting Sep 15, 2020, at 10 am through October 3, 2020
    Please complete the following Registration Form
    • Club Dues $15 a month ($150 a Year)
    • Discount $12.50 a month for each additional kid ($125 a Year)
    Please join us for a greater meeting if not in person then using Google Meet on Oct 3, 2020, at 10 am