Welcome to the Nashville First SDA Church Studies.

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Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jul 20, 2024


In the parable of the shrewd steward, at first glance, it appears that Jesus is commending the steward's dishonest actions. However, the lesson is more nuanced. What can we learn from this parable that applies to us today?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jul 13, 2024


For many of us, our will is the hardest thing to control. That's the weak link in our strategy to change. Join us as we learn about a weapon that turns our weaknesses into power.

Jean-Luc Mercado

Jul 6, 2024


We are blessed with freedom by God, and we should live by this freedom.


Do you feel God with you in your daily life? How about when life becomes difficult or calamity strikes? In the moments, heaven can sometimes seem silent when we cry out to God in our time of need. Where is God when we need Him most? We will look at the story of Moses and the Children of Israel as they learned where God was with them when they needed Him most!

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 22, 2024


As His arrest, conviction, and crucifixion drew near, Jesus was thankful. What can we be grateful for as we partake of communion?

Elder Teryna Edwards

Jun 15, 2024


The days of our fathers are finite. May they not squander their time. And may we, in their lifetime, bestow honor upon them.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 8, 2024


Jesus spoke a parable about a faithful and an evil servant. One was ready for his master to return and one was not. What made the difference? Can you sense the times we are living in? Are you ready for your master to return? Join us as we explore Luke 12 and discuss a few ways to be READY.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 11, 2024


Being a mom is an intense gig. It does not pay well, and there is little gratitude or recognition for the job. Because of this, they deserve to be honored. How can we honor our moms and mothers in general?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 4, 2024


One of the most misunderstood facets of being a Christian is about the role of sin in our lives and what it means for our eternal future. Many a Christians are broken, is there hope for restoration?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Apr 27, 2024


God wants to do mighty things through His church on earth, and while He could do these things without us, He is looking for people to partner up with Him. He is looking for "Ordinary Heroes." Join us as we explore and learn from the story of David's "Mighty Men."

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Elder Marsha Palmer

Apr 20, 2024


A typical Jew would never go through Samaria, for Samaritans were the enemy. Yet Jesus intentionally goes there. Why did Jesus go to Samaria?

Pastor Nelson Silva

Apr 13, 2024


Spiritual sight. What does God want us to see?

Christina Lopez

Apr 5, 2024


In the Book of 1 Samuel, we read about the terrible defeat of Israel by the Philistines which resulted in the ark of God being taken by them…. How is it possible that Israel, God’s chosen people, had lost? How was this possible if God was with them? Is God someone who can lose?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Mar 23, 2024


Have you ever thought that God has given up on you because of the many times that you have failed Him? Perhaps you have convinced yourself that God no longer loves you. Is it possible that His love is dependent on us? Join us as we share a beautiful story of grace.

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Elder Teryna Edwards

Mar 9, 2024


The family was the first and most important institution of relationship that God set in place on planet Earth. God’s kingdom family is the original model for covenantal and sacred relationships. Consecrated Singles are of inestimable value, as the Lord employs them to be the building blocks for Kingdom Families.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Mar 2, 2024


Seventh-day Adventists often refer to themselves as "The Remnant." But, how do they know? The Bible provides three characteristics to help us properly identify God's end-time remnant. Join us as we discover them in the Book of Revelation.

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Pastor Nelson Mercado

Feb 24, 2024


Most Christians understand the concept of "Righteousness by Faith." However, according to the apostle Paul, this concept has two important dimensions. Join us as we explore the meaning of "The just shall live by faith."

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Jonathan Babtiste

Feb 17, 2024


As Christians, we are used to seeing prayer as a way of petitioning God for what we need. But, what is prayer really? And what is its most important ingredient?

Terrence Brown

Feb 10, 2024


ust how much is 'too much stuff'? God's blessings are for us to bless others, thus, guarding our hearts from greed. When we give we show the love of God and we reflect Jesus. God sees us, notes our giving, and will reward faithful stewardship.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Feb 3, 2024


In the context of the time of the end it can be very frustrating not knowing who one is. Do you know who you are? Or, are you having an IDENTITY CRISIS?

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Lucy Mercado

Jan 27, 2024


Sometimes, our lives do not go in the direction we would have wanted. At times we take detours that seemingly take us far from where we intended to be and destroy our plans. Does God abandon us in life's detours? What is His plan for you?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jan 20, 2024


There are times when everything in our lives seems to go from bad to worse. Times when we feel spiritually weak, and it may seem that God is far from us. We need a source of power; but where can we find it?

33.3 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jan 13, 2024


Religious persecution is a painful and sad reality for many Christians around the world. Why, then, is it that persecution seems, to a great degree, to slumber in America?

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Sherman Cox II

Jan 6, 2024


We all have started on the road to God's tomorrow, only to stop. What do you do when you do not fully realize God's purpose for your life?

Elder Daniel Aluoch

Dec 30, 2023


Is there any significance to the Communion Service?

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