Welcome to the Nashville First SDA Church Studies.

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We offer up our media in a podcast or strat on the website. Please look around and enjoy our content.

Terrence Brown

Feb 10, 2024


ust how much is 'too much stuff'? God's blessings are for us to bless others, thus, guarding our hearts from greed. When we give we show the love of God and we reflect Jesus. God sees us, notes our giving, and will reward faithful stewardship.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 2, 2023


On the first Christmas God promised: "Glory to God in the highest, and PEACE, goodwill toward men." Yet peace is the last thing we have in our world. Is peace even possible? Yes, and the Bible tells us why.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Nov 25, 2023


Hope is at the center of the Christmas Story, but, what is our hope founded upon?

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Lucy Mercado

Sep 9, 2023


In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus gives the answer to the question - Who is my neighbor? But sometimes, we read the story and are very quick to criticize the lawyer’s reply, but are we any better? This story is more than just an answer to a question but a command for us today.


What goes up will come down. What do you do in the valley after the mountain top?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Mar 18, 2023


The 2nd part of our "Made for Mission" series. Everyone is called to live a life of mission. But are there things in your life keeping you from joining Jesus in His mission to seek and save that which was lost?

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Terrence Brown

Dec 10, 2022


The Christmas Story is about God's great love for us manifested in Jesus Christ. This is the Gospel: Peace and goodwill toward men. It is our privilege to extend that peace by lifting up Christ.

Lucy Mercado

Oct 29, 2022


Sometimes bad things happen to us, which can cause us to make life choices that lead to misery and loss. We may take the wrong turn and end up in a life of sin, but we have a God that not only will find us, but His Love and Grace will give us a new life. What would be your response to such love? What would you pay for freedom from your self-made prison?

Kemens Desruisseaux

Dec 11, 2021


Today many are under bondage by health, financial, and/or family crises. Is there a way to break free? Join us as we study Luke 13:11-12 to discover the "Pain Taker, Way Maker, and Chain Breaker."

Elder Henry Bean

Jun 26, 2021


Jean-Luc Mercado

May 29, 2021


What should Christians do when they are in the middle of disputes between friends, family, and country? What did Jesus do when He found himself in the middle of the hatred between Jews and Samaritans?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

May 22, 2021


What do the gospels say about why Jesus is called "The SON of God?" The second part of the three-part series on "The Trinity and Adventism."

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Elder Daniel Aluoch

Feb 27, 2021

How can you experience Jesus' healing medicine?

Jean-Luc Mercado

Dec 5, 2020


Sin has filled our world with darkness. Can we have peace in this dark world? What has God done to bring light into this dark world?

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Aug 8, 2020

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 28, 2019

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Sep 22, 2018


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