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Dec 23, 2023


Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 16, 2023


God's LOVE for the world was first manifested in the birth of Jesus in the manger. How will we manifest the love of God to those around us?

44.3 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 9, 2023


Are you someone who displays JOY? Are you someone who knows the JOYS that come at Christmas? What is the reason for that JOY?

33.5 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Dec 2, 2023


On the first Christmas God promised: "Glory to God in the highest, and PEACE, goodwill toward men." Yet peace is the last thing we have in our world. Is peace even possible? Yes, and the Bible tells us why.

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Pastor Nelson Mercado

Nov 25, 2023


Hope is at the center of the Christmas Story, but, what is our hope founded upon?

35.9 MB

Robert Mann

Nov 18, 2023


Being part of the Body of Christ we all have different parts to play, thus, we need each other to complete His work. Christianity is a "World Religion" and as such, it's going to take people from everywhere to build His Kingdom. And with God as the Head of this body, we will complete the work.

Kemens Desruisseaux

Nov 4, 2023


The way that God has created us is a wonder. Let’s look at just a few areas of human creation that ought to totally amaze us about God!

Elder Teryna Edwards

Oct 28, 2023


Faithful stewardship for the Lord begins with a loving relationship with Him.

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Oct 21, 2023


Do our giving habits only affect us, or could they affect the entire congregation? Join us as we study a well-known story in the book of Joshua.

55.9 MB

Pastor Kennedy Luckett

Oct 14, 2023


Pastor Nelson Mercado

Oct 7, 2023


What if God forgave us in the same way we forgive others? Is there a danger in not forgiving others?

54.0 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Sep 30, 2023


Many Christians struggle with forgiveness. Is being “forgiving” an attribute that we should have? What constitutes true forgiveness and how important is it?

63.1 MB

Sherman Cox II

Sep 23, 2023

Yes, you have to struggle; yes, you will have heartache, and yes, you will have pain, but Jesus went through the pain before you, and Jesus is with you in the pain now, and Jesus has already overcome the pain.
Scriptuer: 1 Peter 4:12

Terrence Brown

Sep 16, 2023


We can only know Jesus when He reveals Himself to us. The evidence that we know Him is when we love one another and keep His commandments.

Lucy Mercado

Sep 9, 2023


In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus gives the answer to the question - Who is my neighbor? But sometimes, we read the story and are very quick to criticize the lawyer’s reply, but are we any better? This story is more than just an answer to a question but a command for us today.

Associate Treasurer of KYTN Jeff Horn

Sep 2, 2023


We will take a look at some giving data in general and specific to the Adventist church, and address the topic of stewardship from a biblical perspective.

Christian Ayala

Aug 26, 2023


This message is a comparative look at Old and New Testament miracles, and the importance of abiding in Christ and Him abiding in us.

Elder Teryna Edwards

Aug 12, 2023


Unity is the might that moves the ministry for the Master.

Pastor Joel Sutherland

Aug 5, 2023


You are called to do the work of ministry! But what does that mean? And how do you even get started? This week, we will listen in as the Apostle Paul shares about a gift that Jesus gives which edifies us and equips us for the work of ministry! As a result, we will reach a unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God.

Elder Marsha Palmer

Jul 29, 2023


It is very urgent that we recognize our desperate spiritual need.

Elder Daniel Aluoch

Jul 22, 2023


Waiting on God is one of the hardest things we do as Christians. It is easy to become impatient. But are there benefits to waiting? Join us as we see what the Bible says according to James 5:7.


The final presentation of the Present Truth Series. Now that we have identified the two beasts of Revelation 13, What is the Image of the Beast, and how does this lead to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast? What is the Mark of the Beast?

63.0 MB

The continuation of the Present Truth Series, we will focus our study on the Third Angel's Message and unmask the "Mark of the Beast." Who is the 2nd beast?

41.7 MB


The continuation of the Present Truth Series, we will focus our study on the Third Angel's Message and unmask the "Mark of the Beast."

49.0 MB

Pastor Nelson Mercado

Jun 24, 2023


17.8 MB

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